This serial story Banana Estate, an exclusive area in the region between Bintaro and Ciputat, bordering Jakarta - the capital of the Republic of Indonesia. 4th volume of Banana Estate, The New Jakarta Townhouse:
Step by step through to arrived at location of Banana Estate 3 which has a spacious 1,735 square meters. Initially offering price of 900,000 IDR per meter. After negotiations, including through brokers in part, finally got a deal 650,000 IDR per meter. Stakeholder the Banana Estate 3, with the concept of "The New Jakarta Townhouse 3rd", allocated shop-house area were: RUS, KP, NUG, AHS, WPJS, FU, POS, ME, ZMN. Banana Estate 3rd was established on 2008.
Onwards, step by step next arrived at the Banana Estate 4 which has a spacious 1,560 square meters in area Jombang Raya, Bintaro. The area itself has been owned since 2002, but was built in 2008. Starting from three guys who have a same perception in 2002, and started up the various alternatives to manage the three plots in the area of Jombang Raya, Bintaro.
Finally, this location is transformed into a Banana Estate 4th. The New Jakarta Townhouse 4th. Concept proposed allocated for shop-house unit in minimalist design, and several house unit in simple design at backyard. From the price offered in 2002 was the 400,000 IDR/m to be 375,000 IDR/m.
Finally, this location is transformed into a Banana Estate 4th. The New Jakarta Townhouse 4th. Concept proposed allocated for shop-house unit in minimalist design, and several house unit in simple design at backyard. From the price offered in 2002 was the 400,000 IDR/m to be 375,000 IDR/m.