Monday, December 31, 2007

“December 31, 2007”

Now at the end of 2007, I've got feel nothing.
I don’t now why, eventhough the activities still make me happy.
It’s mean event unwanted work in my job area with overtime schedule in holyday, I’m still okey.
Attacking bad news in global situation, e.g. Pakistani’s Bhutto murdered, various disaster in a part of the world which global warming indication, etc.
All in a shortly day by day at the end of 2007.
We’ve just look around to get prayer.
Thanks God we want to walks through to 2008.
Keep on motivated and inspirated.
Getting the best all the time…and welcome the year 2008!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Di Penghujung Tahun 2007

Sembilan hari lagi kita memasuki tahun 2008.
Banyak hal yang bisa diceritakan di sepanjang tahun 2007.
Disaat-saat yang menegangkan, disuatu masa senang dan sedih silih berganti secara cepat.
Namun waktu berlalu begitu cepat, bersama kegembiraan yang tersisa, dalam situasi yang terasa nyaman.
Masa suka cita dan masa duka cita bergulir setiap hari.
Banyak inspirasi yang bisa diserap, banyak ilmu motivasi yang bisa dipelajari.
Jadi, nikmati saja hari-hari kita, berusaha menjadi yang terbaik sepanjang waktu.

End of Year 2007

It's nine days to the year of 2008.
Too many things to tell day by day of 2007 activity.
In a moments of stress condition and it was the periode of storms and stress become more fluctuation, but the time goes flow with pleasure, nicely situation. The good time and bad time rolling down every single day.
More inspiration can be catched up, more motivation can be absorbed.
So, have a nice days, getting the best all the time.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Happy Idhul Fitri

Idhul Fitri means feast celebrating the end of fasting month.
So Happy Idul Fitri.
Let's get and feel sorry.
It's a day of celebration at end of fasting month.
Have a nice Eid Mubarak.
C U.

Selamat Hari Raya Idhul Fitri 1428 H

Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Bathin.
Taqabalallahu Mina Wa Minkum.
Have A Nice Eid Mubarak.
C U.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Plan to Banana Estate 3rd

Have a nice Ramadhan... Di hari2 bulan Ramadhan ini sudah dimulai persiapan untuk Banana Estate 3. It's exciting, it's a real amazing to prepare the activities...

Thursday, August 30, 2007

The New Jakarta Townhouse

Selamat berjumpa di web blog Banana Estate, The New Jakarta Townhouse. Dengan lokasi disekitar antara Bintaro dan Ciputat yang merupakan wilayah Tangerang, maka Banana Estate saat ini merencanakan penyiapan landscape hingga ke Banana Estate 3. Silahkan memberikan comments, sharing, discuss dan apapun tentang home design, interior design, building architect, dan lain-lain. Terima kasih dan salam.