Wednesday, April 09, 2014

BANANA ESTATE. The New Jakarta Townhouse (4)

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This serial story Banana Estate, an exclusive area in the region between Bintaro and Ciputat, bordering Jakarta - the capital of the Republic of Indonesia. 4th volume of Banana Estate, The New Jakarta Townhouse:

Step by step through to arrived at location of Banana Estate 3 which has a spacious 1,735 square meters. Initially offering price of 900,000 IDR per meter. After negotiations, including through brokers in part, finally got a deal 650,000 IDR per meter. Stakeholder the Banana Estate 3, with the concept of "The New Jakarta Townhouse 3rd", allocated shop-house area were: RUS, KP, NUG, AHS, WPJS, FU, POS, ME, ZMN. Banana Estate 3rd was established on 2008.

Onwards, step by step next arrived at the Banana Estate 4 which has a spacious 1,560 square meters in area Jombang Raya, Bintaro. The area itself has been owned since 2002, but was built in 2008. Starting from three guys who have a same perception in 2002, and started up the various alternatives to manage the three plots in the area of Jombang Raya, Bintaro. 

Finally, this location is transformed into a Banana Estate 4th. The New Jakarta Townhouse 4th. Concept proposed allocated for shop-house unit in minimalist design, and several house unit in simple design at backyard. From the price offered in 2002 was the 400,000 IDR/m to be 375,000 IDR/m.

BANANA ESTATE. The New Jakarta Townhouse (3)

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This serial story Banana Estate, an exclusive area in the region between Bintaro and Ciputat, bordering Jakarta - the capital of the Republic of Indonesia. 3rd volume of Banana Estate, The New Jakarta Townhouse:
Later Po resigned and was replaced by Ed. Na also resigned and was replaced by DEL. En also resigned, replaced by the NUG. NUG then moved to SYR plots. Position plots En initially offered to Sls, not so. Offered again to Har, but released anymore. Finally NUG moved to the location of plots ex En till now.

SYR incoming joined ex plots the location of NUG earlier. Plot replaced Na, but even Na then bought a house in Bumi Serpong Damai (BSD) - Tangerang, Indonesia. Then Na resigned. Later these plots eventually replaced DEL. Meanwhile JJM, ME, DS, AHS already become members at the site of the existing each plots.

AHS construction period lasted 1.5 years according to the schedule he wanted. At the end of the year, 31 December 2006, AHS held a thanksgiving prayer signifies launching that finished building. This thanksgiving prayer to be a milestone that the first time a complex of buildings in that cluster Banana Estate has completed construction. At the same time, another plots were still under construction stage. 

The schedule of thanksgiving prayer next after AHS, was thanksgiving prayer by 'ME' held a launched his building that completed in June 2007. Actually, in February 2007 construction of building ZMN was completed. Previously, construction of building GUN phase-1 was completed in June 2006 as well. In a row after that, in 2008 the buildings of KP, NUG, JJM, SYR, DEL already be occupied. Although not yet fully completed those buildings.

BANANA ESTATE. The New Jakarta Townhouse (2)

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This serial story Banana Estate, an exclusive area in the region between Bintaro and Ciputat, bordering Jakarta - the capital of the Republic of Indonesia. 2nd volume of Banana Estate, The New Jakarta Townhouse:

At that time the land price offered 525,000 IDR per meter. After several rounds of negotiations, finally became 430,000IDR/m. It should be the final deal. Further, it was to start mark the boundary plots.

Then next survey went into the location i.e.: AHS, Za, Azz, Ja in June 2005. Coincidence, day of survey concurrent with the wedding day the son of Pak Priyatna in Jakarta, a senior in the company. Then, the survey was conducted after playing golf by Ja/Azz/ZMN/AHS.
In the next step, Banana Estate 1 which began development in July 2005. In the form of public facility construction, and laying of the first stone at plots AHS. Concurrent with commencement of foundation excavation another section plots.

At first, the construction was done by 'To'. It can be said, building development for each plots was almost entirely done by 'To'. Basically 'To' act as an architect and also as a contractor. Exceptions on public facility Banana Estate and construction AHS building done by BUD as well.

BANANA ESTATE. The New Jakarta Townhouse (1)

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A story about Banana Estate, the story of area in the Southwest border region of Jakarta. Between Ciputat region and Bintaro area. Jakarta is capital Republic of Indonesia.

This area was developed step by step with all the efforts of the members struggle Banana Estate. To realize an exclusive region in accordance with the vision and mission of members Banana Estate. This area has been established as The New Jakarta Townhouse as well.

Banana Estate is only a limited area inhabited by an exclusive group of members. Members Banana Estate is a group of professional in a company who has the same vision and mission.